Please vote, because I can’t

Further proof that the world is shrinking, American citizens living abroad can vote in the Democratic primaries. As Alan Epstein, in an article from the International Herald Tribune, said: “Americans who live abroad feel the sting of U.S. policies that have been viewed unfavorably in the rest of the world.” So this is a chance to at least have a say.

If you want to vote in Super Tuesday, you can no longer email or fax your votes in, but there are voting centers in 33 countries where you can cast your vote. Visit the Democrats Abroad website for more information, or just download the list and go.

Unfortunately, I can’t practice what I preach. There is no voting center in South Korea. No voting center in Korea? I don’t understand this. There are nine of them in Thailand, and even one in Cambodia, not to mention Hong Kong and Japan. Not a single place in Korea.

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