VE day 2

I think I’ll have lunch at this Turkish place every day. The food kicks butt, it’s cheap, and… it’s the only place I can find with free wireless.

My presentation finished about two hours ago. I think it went well. No technical issues, and people seemed to enjoy it. I got a few questions afterward — usually the scariest but coolest part — and some people talked to me after. One of the other panelists also mentioned something about my presentation I’d never thought of. If I ever publish this puppy, she’ll at least get a footnote.

That’s pretty much what these conferences are about. Listening to ideas and sharing knowledge. And meeting people. I’ve met a few folks already who are pretty cool. The global representation is a pretty wide net, as are the topics discussed.

Now I can just sit back, listen, learn, and enjoy the panels and screenings for the next two and a half days.

I’m also really liking Bochum. There’s nothing too special about it, but it’s got a nice vibe. There are lots of young people, due to the university nearby, and some great pubs and restaurants. And you can’t beat Christmas time in Germany. They really know how to deck things out and make a festive environment. The whole downtown area is packed with makeshift outdoor pubs and bratwurst stands, there are Santas everywhere, magic shows and full-on outdoor theater for the kids. In fact the one here in Bochum outdoes the one I saw in Berlin.

Burr…. I need to buy new gloves.

One Response to “VE day 2”

  1. Does Visible Evidence mean the same thing as Observations?
    Congratulations on your presentation. It must feel good.

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